The Great Rake 2025!

Join our very first ever “The Great Rake” Effort! We are asking our volunteers to help rake the trails at their favorite ALT green space during the month of March ahead of the upcoming busy exploring season. More details on this playfully competitive effort below.

Who: Allegheny Land Trust Stewardship Team & Volunteers 

What: An Early Springtime Effort to Prepare ALT’s Hiking Trails for the Upcoming Busy Exploring Season 

When: Dawn to Dusk on Any Day You Like in March 2025! Kickoff Workday: March 1 

Where: Your Favorite ALT Trail 

Why: Autumn leaves decay on the forest floor and turn into rich soil. This is great for the environment, but problematic for our trails! Trails must be regularly raked to be kept clear of leaf litter and “duff,” the decomposing organic material. Leaves and duff retain moisture and heat, which degrades trail surface and makes it muddy. Early spring is a great time to hit the trails and tidy them up for another year of hiking, biking, birding, and exploring.  

How: Visit an ALT conservation area (marked on this map) with sturdy hiking books, gloves, and a rake. Make a note of where you start and end your hike (estimates are okay; gps coordinates are great) and rake the trail along your way! Clear leaves and debris from the trail by dispersing the cleared matter into the woods, rather than piling up along the edges. If you encounter issues that require ALT’s attention, like downed trees, please note the location. Bonus points for disposing of any litter you find and bag up! Report your great rake efforts here: ALT Volunteer Reporting. Share any photos and stories of your great rake outing to Dani:  

What else?!: Please Fill Out Our Waiver Form. Email it to or print & mail it to 416 Thorn St. Sewickley, PA 15143

Work within your comfort level and physical abilities. Come prepared with work gloves, a reuseable water bottle, snacks, and layers for the day’s weather. 

Learn about the conservation area before you visit and be prepared: Know Before You Go – Allegheny Land Trust 

Have fun and take pride in helping ALT maintain our conservation areas. Prizes will be awarded to the greatest rakers!

Won’t you become part of our first ever “The Great Rake!”?!