Strategic Plan

ALT has engaged its Board, staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders in various stages of strategic planning since 1993 including updated strategic organizational plans, fundraising plans, the original ALT GREENPRINT, the refreshed Greenprint Planning Tool, and efficiency assessments.

Our most recent Strategic Plan was finalized and approved by the ALT Board of Directors to serve as a five-year plan from 2023 – 2027. The plan addresses our region’s resiliency through our work as a land trust.

OUR MISSION is to conserve and care for local land for the health and well-being of current and future generations.

OUR VISION charts a path for a resilient region with abundant green space that is easily accessible and recognized as essential to the quality of life for all.

OUR STRATEGIC PRIORITIES as outlined in our 5-year plan are as follows:

LAND CONSERVATION We will act urgently to protect rapidly disappearing green space for the overall well-being of the region.

LAND STEWARDSHIP We will manage and care for our conserved green spaces for perpetual community benefit.

ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION We will teach bold programs that foster an understanding of regional issues and solutions for current and future generations.

COMMUNITY CONSERVATION We will empower the community through education, innovative programs, and resources to create equity through conservation.

For more details, read our Strategic Plan executive summary.