Our Business Sponsors

We help local people save local land, and it’s those people and businesses that help us in return. We rely on our business sponsors for support, and we hope that you’ll choose to support them as they support conservation in our region.

If you’re a business looking to make a difference in the region’s green space, please check out our business sponsorship program.

—  PLATINUM SPONSORS | $10,000+  —




—  GOLD SPONSORS | $5,000+  —

—  SILVER SPONSORS | $2,500+  —

Dougherty Construction Services


—  BRONZE SPONSORS | $1,000+  —

The Hillman Company Logo

KU Resources Company Logo


May Medical LLC




EPD (Environmental Planning and Design)
Gamu Graphic Design
Hedin Environmental
Manning & Napier
Roxanne’s Dried Flowers
Two Frays Brewery
Vecenie Distributing Company