Science Stroll: Owl Prowl
Wingfield Pines Conservation Area, Mayview Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241Join an ALT educator for an Owl Prowl at Wingfield Pines! Learn about some of the fascinating biology and folklore...(Read More)
Join an ALT educator for an Owl Prowl at Wingfield Pines! Learn about some of the fascinating biology and folklore...(Read More)
Owls aren't our only nighttime feathered friends! PA is home to many species of night loving birds, from nightjars to...(Read More)
Join Allegheny Land Trust and Audubon Society educators on a winter adventure. We'll observe some of PA’s cold season birds...(Read More)
Join Allegheny Land Trust for a lesson on how we can help support and protect our native bees! Children will...(Read More)
Whoooo is that hooting in the night? Probably one of PA's incredible species of owl! Join Allegheny Land Trust for...(Read More)
Love gardening and plants? ALT and the Penn State Extension Master Gardeners of Washington County are excited to host a...(Read More)
What does it mean to be on top of the food chain? Do creatures like bugs and fish have a...(Read More)
From Wylie Coyote to folklore about coyotes shapeshifting and performing magic, we've been telling tales about coyotes for thousands of...(Read More)
Can bugs lift weights and run the 100 meter dash? Maybe not, but they do have some incredible skills and...(Read More)
Did you know that PA is home to more species of bees than birds? Join Allegheny Land Trust for a...(Read More)